Aims & Objectives
To encourage scientific study of the process involved in speech & hearing, to promote invention of Speech & Hearing disorders, for such disorders, to stimulate exchange of information among persons thus engaged and disseminate such information.
Our Mission
The Kerala State Branch of the Indian Speech & Hearing Association was formed in 2003 with the aim to provide quality speech & hearing health care to the needy by fostering high ethical standards and competence in professionals engaged in the delivery of those services
About us
Audiology and Speech Pathology is a profession which deals with the early identification, evaluation, diagnosis and management of hearing, speech, language and voice disorders.
The Kerala State Branch of Indian Speech, Language & Hearing Association (ISHA-KSB) was born on 31st December 2003 with the aim of streamlining the professional activities and to provide state of the art care to the speech and hearing impaired population. ISHA- Kerala State Branch is a registered body under societies registration act XX! Of 1860 with Reg. No. S. No: 1227/2003.
We, the ISHA-KSB, have procured an office-space in the heartland of Cochin in Heavenly Plaza, Civil Line Road, Chembumukku, Kakkanadu on 22nd May, 2015
This is the moment that each one of us must be proud of as we have been the first Speech and Hearing Association in the country to own an independent office of the association
Office Building