The Kerala State Branch of the Indian Speech and Hearing Association (ISHA KSB) has observed several unethical and unhealthy practices in the field of Rehabilitation Audiology, particularly in the marketing and dispensing of hearing aids by certain private clinics in Kerala. To safeguard public interest and uphold professional integrity, ISHA KSB, after extensive discussions among its members and subcommittees, decided to implement a series of actions against clinics engaging in unethical practices. These actions included official letters instructing clinics to adhere to best practices. While many clinics have followed ISHA KSB’s recommended ethical guidelines, a few have continued to engage in practices that compromise patient care and professional standards. Consequently, ISHA KSB is now compelled to blacklist these clinics and inform the public, professionals, and stakeholders and Speech and Hearig institutes in kerala not to associate with them.
What Does Blacklisting Mean?
For the Public: Clinics that have been blacklisted have engaged in unethical or unhealthy practices in audiology that may harm patients. This includes actions such as fitting hearing aids without conducting proper diagnostic tests, misleading advertisements, and practices that do not align with the best interests of individuals with hearing impairment.
For Audiology&SLP Professionals:
Audiologists and speech-language professionals are advised not to associate with blacklisted clinics, as their practices could damage the reputation of professionals working with them. ISHA KSB will not provide any professional support (such as good standing certificates or testimonials),Data flow verification or any document verification for migration to individuals associated with these clinics. ISHA KSB will intimate this to National ISHA and RCI ,State Commisoner for Person with Disabilities,Chief Commssioner for person with Disabilities-Govt of India regarding the unethical and unprofessional pratices by indivudal Audiologist and request them not to provide Good standing certificate or data verification for them .
For Blacklisted Clinics:
ISHA KSB will not support blacklisted clinics in any professional matters. This includes: Notifying professionals about job vacancies at these clinics. Refraining from recommending professionals to work at these clinics. Withholding any professional assistance from ISHA KSB.